Waiest (Way-est) Qigong- Find your Inner Zen through Health & Fitness
A Martial Art for Your Mind ~ The Art of the Waiest Qigong Spirit Warrior is a series of exercises, poses, and meditations developed for your physical, mental, and spiritual health.
NEW The Temple Of The Mind - The Tao 道 of the Waiest (way-est) Qigong Spirit Warrior
NEW Waiest Qigong ~ The Katana Of The Mind
NEW Waiest Qigong Longevity Acupressure Form
NEW Waiest Qigong The Dancing Dragon
Start Your New Journey
Start with "The Breath Of Life Meditation" it is the foundation of all other Qi training.
1.Waiest Qigong Breath of Life Meditation
2. The Peaceful Mind Meditation
3. Small Circulation, Chi Meditation
4. The Waiest Qigong Zen Path Mudra Meditation
5. Visualization & Calming Meditation
6. Qi to help you heal Meditation
Still and Moving Meditations/Exercises
7. Elemental Healing Chi Exercise/Meditation
8. Waiest Qigong Flowing Chi and Embracing the Moon
9. Hugging the Tree Exercise/Meditation
10. Waiest Qigong Quick Recharge Meditation Exercise
11. Waiest Qigong Spirit Walk - Chi Ball Meditation Exercises
12. Waiest Qigong San Sau Moving Meditation
13. Waiest Qigong Runic Fitness Try it for FREE!
14. Waiest Qigong Spirit Warrior Tao 道 Walking Staff Qi Form
Other Info
15. About the Founder Dorje Robert Wiest
16. Waiest Qigong Science Fact!
17. Waiest Qigong Home Study Course
19. Meditation Music & Guided Meditations
20. 道 Meditation ~ The Disciplined Mind is the Katana of a New Age!
21. Hidden Temple Martial Arts Student Creed
22. Waiest - The Modern Taoist
The Art of the Waiest Qigong Spirit Warrior - Not to learn to fight, but to learn to conquer the warrior within. Then, one does not need to fight.
The only actions you can truly control are your own, the only warrior you need to conquer is the warrior within, and the only person you are ever in competition with is yourself! You may not be able to change the world but you can take control of yourself! Make a difference the only way you truly can, from within yourself.
The Art of the Waiest Qigong Spirit Warrior - The Disciplined Mind Is The Sword Of A New Age!
Your mind is either your greatest ally or your worst enemy. This is the battle that the Waiest Qigong Spirit Warrior fights every day to conquer the warrior within.
Discipline - Willpower - Loyalty - Respect - Honor - Self Empowerment. These are the qualities you must learn to have for yourself. You cannot truly have them for others if do you have them for yourself.
All of these techniques are designed to help strengthen your body, mind, and spirit.
Your mind is your inner temple, your sanctuary! Train yourself to let nothing enter without your permission!
When you feel anxiety and stress in your life, repeat this Waiest Qigong Mantra.
The Tao 道 of the Waiest Qigong Spirit Warrior : I am at one with the flow of the Chi of the universe and the Chi of the universe is at one with me.
It flows through me as I flow through it, connecting and binding all that exists.
The Art of the Waiest Qigong Spirit Warrior ~ You must learn to let go, to be at one with the flow of the Qi of the universe.
I am not just an individual ripple in the water. I am the water.
The more you identify as the individual ripple in the water, the more you’re ripple can be affected by outside influences. The more you identify as the water itself, the less those outside influences hold sway over you.
Peace, Kindness, & Awareness
~ Dorje Robert Wiest
These are just some of the topics. Remember to check out the entire blog to see all of the content.
You will not find yourself in physical battles on a daily basis, but you do find yourself in challenging social and mental situations daily!
It is within this thought, this mental kata, that one begins to forge their mental temple, castle against the anxieties of the world, to conquer the warrior within.
Center your Qi ~ Focus your Qi ॐ अह् हम्
The Waiest Qigong Breath of Life Meditation ~ Center your mind, your breathing, and your body. The Breath of Life will calm your spirit, focus your mind, and cleanse your body. Be at one with universal life.
You will learn to open yourself to the universe and become one with universal life as you forge your individual universal temple of inner peace and harmony with the inner temple meditation.
The Waiest Qigong Universal Life Meditation teaches you to move your compassionate energy throughout the universe as you become one with the universe; the ripple that realizes it is the water.
Waiest Qigong is a Personal Success Home Training Program where you will discover new and ancient forms of meditation, philosophy, natural health, and chi training that will bring balance to your life.
Waiest Qigong is the art of one’s journey. It is an individual art developed as a home study program where one doesn’t follow any one individual but looks to oneself, the teachings of life, and the journey as the Guru.
These beautiful beads are good for meditation, stress relief, and can also be deployed as a self-defense measure. They are handmade with hardwood and stainless steel beads and tied and knotted with para cord. These beads are sturdy, flexible and can be taken with you anywhere. Use them in your meditation practice to help relieve stress or in an emergency situation.
. Budo Beads are great for tactile stimulation to help you relieve stress and anxiety.
. Wear them as a reminder to breathe and enjoy your journey.
. These beautiful beads are good for meditation.
. They can also be deployed as a self-defense measure in an emergency situation.
Budo Beads ~ Budo is a Japanese term. It means "martial way" and refers to those martial disciplines whose ultimate goal is spiritual, ethical and/or moral self-improvement
My wife and I have done paranormal research and trips for the past 20 years! From London to France to the Natchez Trace in the southern regions of America and a Bigfoot encounter, we’ve had all kinds of experiences. This is our page for those fun adventures so keep an open mind and watch out for those things that go bump in the night!
Stream music and playlists with SoundCloud and wow your visitors with your tunes.